By Todd Bataglia
Well, we’re doing it! We made it through the first week of classes in the 2020-21 school year here in my kids’ districts. Some of you have been back to school already for a few weeks and some are still in prep mode. Wherever you are in this process, it probably feels a little different. So let’s say WE’RE DOING IT!
Whether you are an administrator or a teacher, you should be celebrating the successes you are having, the large ones and the small ones. After talking to many educators this week, I have some thoughts/suggestions moving forward.
Hopefully, your district, however it chose to return to learning, is having some success. I have heard that there are appreciative emails flowing into some schools. Do not rest on these laurels. Use this goodwill to ask what can be tweaked and improved. It is much better to hear from parents, students, and staff who are feeling great than waiting for something to come up that turns those stakeholder groups a little sour. Ask what can be improved – of all stakeholders. Take that information to leadership teams, make great decisions.
If your district is not off to as successful of a start as the group included above, take the time to re-evaluate the situation. Use your leadership teams and their communication loops to staff, parents, and students to gather information about what is not working. Be sure to talk to all stakeholders, gather information, and lean on your leadership groups for decision-making and problem-solving. The time for district-wide decisions and initiatives was to start learning back up. Use the building leaders and leadership teams to make it work for your building, your staff, and your students. The best problem solvers and creative thinkers are right there around you!
You are smart; you might have noticed that those two paragraphs offer similar ideas. You got me. I will also say that I spent most of the last few years giving the same advice. Use your leaders and leadership teams, gather relevant information from all stakeholders, make effective decisions, communicate those decisions to all stakeholders, check in on the effects of those decisions on all stakeholders down the road, communicate those findings, and basically roll through the most incredulous school year ever. If your school or school district is not set up for this or does not do this effectively, that is what needs to change.
We’re doing this!!!