Eklund Consulting is a team of former and current educators passionate about helping schools build positive workplace conditions for adults in order to realize desired outcomes for students.
With more than 50 years of combined experience as teachers, principals, superintendents, and mediators, our team has a unique understanding of schools. We understand the systems, structures, and relationships that make schools work and why they sometimes don’t
Our Team
Nathan Eklund (President and Founder)- After 13 years of being a classroom teacher, I knew there were other ways I wanted to serve the field of education. Focusing on teacher job satisfaction and organizational improvement in schools, I published my book How Was YOUR Day at School? Improving Dialogue About Teacher Job Satisfaction. The book led to speaking. Speaking led to consulting which led to launching Eklund Consulting. Now that focus and passion has led to improving the lives and work of thousands of educators and administrators.
Scott Butler - I’ve had the opportunity to look at education from a variety of perspectives, 6 years in a high school classroom, 12 years as a high school counselor, 8 years as a middle school administrator and, most recently, 2 years as the director of a K-12 private school. The combination of my experiences showed me the importance of adult relationships in education. The topic of teacher job satisfaction appeals to all aspects of my professional career - teacher, counselor, and administrator. I believe that learning happens at the intersection of a well functioning teacher and a well functioning student.
Todd Battaglia - Throughout my eight years of teaching middle school, I believed that there were some situations in schools that were just the way they were for most to all educators. After working on my school's culture with Eklund Consulting, I saw that things could be different. Now, working for Eklund Consulting, I love working with educators to make the satisfaction of the job equal their passion for the work.
Advisory Team
We are grateful to the team of people who have guided, coached, championed, and continue to ensure we do our best work for our clients. Below is our team of advisors and their area of focus.
Ryan Johnson, Vice President: Tangoe, Inc. - Strategic Partnerships
J. Forrest, President: Employee Strategies, Inc. - Business Development
Kari Helling, Account Director: Lee Branding - Marketing
Jon Armour, Winthrop & Weinstine - Legal Counsel
Tenessa Gemelke, Dir. of Marketing and Events: Brain Traffic - Content Strategy
Andrew Eklund, President: Ciceron Interactive - Business Development
Derek Peterson, Child/Youth Advocate - Organization Development
Bruce Pappas, Independent Consultant (HR-OD.com) - HR Coaching