
How does Eklund Consulting use data to make schools great places to work?  Nathan Eklund describes Eklund Consulting’s beliefs about the writing, giving, and use of surveys. Click on the video below to learn more...

Since the launch of Eklund Consulting in 2011, the vast majority of our work has been within education. Few practices know more about workplace culture in schools and educator job satisfaction. We’ve surveyed tens of thousands of educators and leaders and have worked with hundreds of schools across the country. We have learned an amazing amount about schools in that time.

But there is something universal about this work, truisms and strategies that transcend any given sector. Core principles of how to treat people, organize teams, make decisions, celebrate good work, and take care of yourself individually have little to do with WHERE you work and everything to do with HOW you work. Because of that, we increasingly find our work being sought outside of education.

One such endeavor involved Minnesota-based Surly Brewing Company. Growing from 15 to 350 employees, Surly was in need of some thoughtful organizational and leadership growth. Over the past two years, Eklund Consulting founder Nathan Eklund and his colleague J. Forrest of Employee Strategies, Inc. partnered to help shepherd Surly through a period of remarkable growth and change. Here's a look into what has been a successful relationship:

Eklund Consultant Lesley Fisher sat down with Lake Bluff School District 65 Superintendent to learn more about this educator.